Nightstand Books of July

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When I go on hiatus, I come back with a flood, huh?

Sorry for inundating you with posts this week. I did not intend to do so, but that’s just sort of how this week turned out. I will be back to my regularly scheduled programming of just one, maaaaaybe two posts a week next week.

But it’s the first Wednesday of the month and that means NIGHTSTAND BOOKS! And I missed last month, so I have to make up for it now!

I’ve just got two actual books gracing my nightstand at the moment. I might read more in July, but I’m working hard at focusing on writing because I have a goal to be finished with the first edits on Mantles of Oak and Iron by the end of this month, so I’m planning to spend more time writing/editing than reading. So far, I’m on track to hit that goal easily, but this book has also somehow gained fourteen thousand words already and I’m not sure where they came from!??!?! Yeah, I’m gonna have to go through with a fine-tooth comb and see what I can cut, because otherwise this book might end up being the longest one in the series.

It might be okay.

But this is just the first pass of edits. We shall see what my developmental editor says. And my line editor is pretty good at helping me spot redundancies, as well. So…. there’s that.

But on to the reading plans!

Truesilver by DJ Edwarsdon - I got to read the beta version of this book a while back, and I LOVED it so much. I wanted to shout about it all over the place, but it wasn’t released yet. Anyway, the final, published version is so, so, so, SO good! I love it to pieces. I am about 50% of the way through and this is definitely, by far, the best book Edwardson has put out yet (and I enjoyed his previous books, so that’s saying something!)

Moonscript by HSJ Williams - I’ve had this on my shelf since it released, but I hadn’t quite gotten to it yet. I had a bunch of ARCs this spring that I wasn’t expecting… which is weird, for me. Anyway, our book club picked this one for our July read, and it’s always super exciting when they pick a book that I already wanted to read, because it helps me with my leaning tower of TBR-za. grin

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The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss - is my audiobook at the moment. Still. Yes, I started listening to it last fall. Y’all… this book is FORTY-TWO HOURS LONG. Forty-two! A good number for SFF fans, but still. Yikes. Also, it’s been out for TEN YEARS and book three is still a distant hope. Not a very strong hope, either. Rothfuss hates us all. But so far, I’m enjoying the sequel to Name of the Wind. I tend to listen to audiobooks when I’m mowing the lawn (in which case I can knock out about an hour to an hour and a half) and right before bed as I’m trying to fall asleep, as I found last year that listening to audiobooks is the cure for my mild insomnia (at which point I can get about 15 minutes in… unless I’m really awake or the story is at a super exciting point). This is not to say that I find audiobooks boring. Not in the slightest! I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the audiobooks I’ve listened to in the past year. But being able to close my eyes and let the words pour over me helps me turn my brain off so I can fall asleep better than just lying in the dark with just my thoughts to keep me company and the sudden wonderings that tend to strike me such as, “HOW DO DRAGONS BLOW OUT CANDLES?!!?!?!?!”

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How’s your summer going, dear Reader?

What are you reading in July?

Do you struggle to fall asleep at night, or are you one who can shut their eyes and fall asleep quickly?

Do you listen to audio books? When do you listen to them?