Questions Wanted

Hey out there! Hope you are all having a fine morning. Just wanted to pop in to say, I hope you are enjoying the "Tips and Tricks" series. I have a lot of ideas for what to write about next, but I really want this series to be helpful to YOU. So I was wondering if any of you had any questions or specific difficulties you're struggling with in your writing... and just feel like it would be nice to have some idea of how to get past this particular difficult spot?If you're like me, then having someone say, "Do you have any questions?" is a sure-fire way to make your mind go blank. So here are some topics to help spark ideas... feel free to ask any of these questions, or come up with your own!--The editing process--Character development--Writing descriptive passages--Dialogue tags--Strengthening plot arcs--Connecting your reader to your story emotionally--Killing characters--Plot holes--Picking a point of view character--Formatting--Publishing--Marketing--Anything else...I am by no means an expert in any of these things, but I have done all of them, and I've learned a lot and am still learning. I am more than happy to pass on what I've learned, as well as learn from you, dear Writer!