

Are you looking for a fantastical adventure? A harrowing quest? An intricate world to explore? Heroes to root for?

Then look no further than the Swordspeaker Saga by DJ Edwardson!

Although I bought Rimewinter right when it came out, I’d been waiting to read it for a while, partially because I’m a mood reader and with a name like Rimewinter it just needed to be read when there was snow on the ground, and partially because I knew I wouldn’t want a long wait between the end of this book and the beginning of the next one.

I was right. Grimbriar can’t get here fast enough!

Rimewinter is another truly fantastic, epic journey from DJ Edwardson. I cannot recommend this series highly enough. Kion, Zinder, Tiryn, and Kythian continue their quest, now with the single-minded purpose of finding and rescuing Kion and Tiryn's mother.

I did spend most of the book wanting to shake Kion just a little bit. He grew up so much in book 1, and in this story he just seems to be super intent on stubbornly making all the wrong decisions. Of course, I can understand why he made the decisions he made... but understanding what he was going through did not reduce my desire to shout at him upon occasion. The character building continues to be top-notch, and it was wonderful getting to know Tiryn better in this installment, she is such a sweetheart, and she is such a wonderful little sister figure... and yet, she also has a core of iron that was fun to see more of in this book. Zinder continues to be the wise mentor figure and I just love him to pieces. I desperately want to know more about the nyn in general.

There were more truly heart-stopping moments in this installment, and I wasn't sure anyone was safe as the characters plunged into deeper and deeper danger by the page.

The world-building continues to be breath-takingly intricate as Kion and his companions traverse across the miles of landscape, taking you as the reader along with them around the map. DJ always puts such a delightful amount of thought and work into his world-building and this story continues that trend.

I very much look forward to book 3!

Quotable Quotes

“Though thankless you are and surely undeserving, I leave you with this truth all the same. For it is not what you know, but knowing what's true that matters. Clever men teach many false things.”

“Some choices bring sorrow on either side.”

“There's more that goes into great victories than feats of arms.”

Have you read any of DJ Edwardson’s books? Which is your favorite? Does this sound like something you’d enjoy?