And it's finally September! This is exciting because the Little Guy's due-date is just two and a half short weeks away, (just a head's up... you might see the blog posts become a bit more scarce for a while this month and next. I plan to continue blogging as much as possible, but I am going to be dealing with new-baby-sleepless-syndrome sometime in the next few weeks, so please be patient with me!) and because it usually means that cooler weather is finally coming. Of course, Summer decided it just hadn't been evil enough this year (it's really been a very pleasant, cool, rainy, cloudy, breezy Summer thus far... and not many days in the 90s...) which, of course, all changed as soon as September hit. 95+ every day this month so far. And HUMID as all get out.

The forecast does look like it's supposed to drop down into the "bearable" region again this weekend, but as soon as September hits I start to get really antsy for Fall weather... oh well.

But yoSept Nightstandu didn't come over here today to hear me gripe about the weather. You came to find out what's on my nightstand! As you'll see, I've got a couple of repeats. I did manage to finish THE GIVER and SUMMER KNIGHT. Then I picked up STEELHEART by Brandon Sanderson, which wasn't on my original list, and after the prologue I thought I wasn't even going to bother finishing it, but my husband read it and said he thought I would enjoy it despite the prologue, so I gave it another chance. And I really enjoyed it! I'll have to write up a review of it later.

Sherlock Holmes: I've still only read the first story in this compilation. I keep getting side-tracked by other books.

Deception's Princess: I have no idea what this one is about, haven't started it yet, I just saw it on the shelf at the library and it looked interesting.

Through the Viscera: I am about halfway through and it is really good! It took me a couple of chapters to get into it, but that is simply because the writing style is quite a bit more complex than just about everything else I've been reading this year. I told Derek it would be like reading a whole bunch of books on the same level as "The Chronicles of Narnia" and then diving into "The Silmarillion." There's bound to be a slight mental adjustment necessary. However, I have managed to adjust, and am really enjoying finding out more about Adan and his adventures.

Bible: It has been my goal lately to keep this on my daily reading list.

And that tiny, almost so thin it's hard to see that it's there, spiral bound book? That has a truly fantastic sugar cookie recipe inside that we made with the kiddos over the weekend. They are quite "delicioso!" as my 2 year old likes to say.

Sugar Cookies

I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

So... what are YOU reading this month? What big plans does Autumn hold for you? What's your favorite thing about Autumn? What's your favorite type of weather? (I promise, if you say 100, sunny, and humid... we can still be friends!)