Sew, it's a Quest

On Saturday, Kendra E. Ardnek released her latest story in the Bookania Quests, titled My Kingdom for a Quest. This week, I'm helping out with the blog tour promoting this book. Tomorrow we'll have the main character of the book over for an interview, but today I wanted to share my review of the first book in the series, Sew, it's a Quest.I had been reading Kendra's blog for a while, and was intrigued by her writing style and love of fairy tales, but I hadn't managed to get my hands on any of her books. Imagine my joy when I received a copy of Sew, it's a Quest for Christmas! I took it with me on vacation and absolutely blitzed through the story.Meet Robin and Robert, royal twins who seem to be the victims of a tragic mistake. You see, when they were born, their fairy godmother mixed up their gifts. Princess Robin is quite handy with a sword, while Prince Robert spends his hours sewing marvelous tapestries. Their parents have been searching for a way to switch the twins' gifts, and a way has finally been found! The twins must undertake a quest to find their fairy godmother and make the request themselves... that is... if they still want their gifts switched by the time they find her!Sew is short, sweet, and a fairly quick read. The characters don't always know exactly where they're going and sometimes the plot meanders a bit, but the author is quick to point it out when this happens, which is highly entertaining. The twins are fun characters to spend time with and along the way they start to gather up quite a collection of fellow travelers - most of whom the reader will recognize from various fairy tales.The story is well written, well-edited, and the only thing that took some getting used to was the way some of the characters use a sort of "Old English" way of speaking... which isn't always correct or true to our own "Old English," but then, Bookania isn't exactly in our world, and Kendra is consistent with how she uses the dialect, so it worked for me.While the end of the story does not come as a shock (it's a fairy tale, the ending isn't really supposed to be a shock), there are enough surprises to keep the reader interested, and more than enough truly fantastic puns that will keep you chuckling out loud as you read. The story wraps up nicely, without any pesky cliffhangers, but leaves itself open for a sequel.If you like fairy tales, I definitely recommend this book. I went straight out and bought the sequel, and cannot wait to read it!But there's more! Throughout the blog tour, Kendra is graciously making several of her other titles available for free on Kindle. Click on the titles below to go to the purchase links:

Sew, It's a Quest

The Woodcutter Quince and Other Stories

Do You Take This Quest 

Saffron's Big Plan and Other Stories

The Ankulen