Sometime today we will all find out which ones of us who entered the ABNA are getting to stick around for another month. Yes, the results of the "pitch round" will be announced today, and I am going to try really hard not to be obsessively checking the ABNA homepage for the results.

To all my ABNA friends - good  luck! When the list goes live I shall be searching not only for my own name, but also for the names of many of my fellow contestants whom I interact with on the discussion forums. This is yet another reason I enjoy this contest. If I don't make it through this round, yeah, I'll be bummed. But even if I do not make the cut, if some of the wonderful authors I have chatted with this past month do make it through, then I will gladly celebrate with them.

For those of you unfamiliar with the contest. This round of the judging is based solely on a 300-word "pitch" describing your book. I think it's the hardest thing about the contest. In this round, they will cut the field from the initial 10,000 entries down to 2,000 top finalists, based solely on the pitch.

Whew... I'm not nervous, I just want them to get the list out and have this OVER with already...

ABNAJenelle Schmidt1 Comment