Strayblood: A New Release

Two blog posts in one day?! It’s a Christmas Miracle!

Or at least… yeah… let’s go with that.

My days are so mixed up lately… this is what happens when your weekends suddenly disappear and Saturdays and Sundays are the same as every other day. I have no idea what day it is.

But that’s not what we’re here to talk about.

Today we celebrate the release of Strayblood: Book 2 in the Draev Guardians series!

I love this series! I have been privileged to get to beta-read both of these books, and they are delightful. You know it’s a good book when I get to beta-read it and then I go out and buy it when it releases and read it again!

Case in point: You can read my review of book 1: HERE


The 2nd book in the Coming-of-age Fantasy series: Draev Guardians has released!

Where elemental magic reigns and monsters lurk, and where Cyrus, a girl who can manipulate metal, and Aken, the last Scourgeblood, struggle in a world that is determined to either use them or destroy them…

New to the world of the Draev Guardians?

Check out the 1st book in the series: Strayborn, on sale December 5th-12th for just 99 cents!

The hardback price is also currently discounted.



Strayborn: Draev Guardians #1

Elemental Manipulation is a tricky business. Only those with the power can train to become a Draev Guardian.

Cyrus Sole hates life. She’s only half-human, with weak wrists, and not a day goes by when someone doesn’t say something mean about it—especially her step-mom. But when the forbidden power to manipulate metal awakens inside her, she finds herself on the run as the Argos Corps is sent to kill her…


E.E. Rawls is the product of a traveling family, who even lived in Italy for 6 years. She loves exploring the unknown, whether it be in a forest, inside a forgotten castle, or within the pages of a book. She runs on coffee, cuddly cats and the beauty of nature to keep the story wheels of her mind turning, as she writes stories that will both entertain and inspire, creating worlds that one can explore and quickly become lost within... Be careful you don't lose your way.