Good morning, dear Reader! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I did. It was very nice and relaxing. We had a lovely, lazy couple of days just hanging out, grilling hamburgers, and playing with legos. (And watching a few cartoons).

 Today, as promised, I'm going to tell you a little bit about the first story in the Five Glass Slippers compilation: What Eyes Can See by Elisabeth Brown.

What happens when Cinderella is so painfully shy that she cannot bear the idea of attending a royal ball?

What Eyes Can See is a truly sweet re-telling of the classic Cinderella story, with a few little surprising twists. Arella, the main character of the story does indeed live with her stepfamily, none of whom are evil. The stepmother is doing her best to raise her three daughters and introduce them into society. The story actually felt a little tiny bit like Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility. Though the three sisters are all very different, they get along fairly well. Drusilla, the oldest, is kind and wise and a good listener. Anastasia reminded me a lot of Lydia from Pride and Prejudice, just a bubbling ball of energy and enthusiasm - and a whimsical wish for more romance in her life...

Arella, on the other hand, is extremely, painfully shy. She has no use for the latest fashions, and the idea of a royal ball terrifies her. However, when her family is invited to the prince's ball, Arella reluctantly agrees to go... as long as she is allowed to leave at midnight... because she has no wish to dishonor her family in any way. I'm going to stop there, because I really don't want to give anything more away. "Spoilers!" :)

I really enjoyed this tale. I loved the characters, hoped that everything would end the way I wanted it to, and yes, even shed a tear or two at the last line. Although there was no fairy godmother, no pumpkin, and no wicked stepmother, this tale was decidedly recognizable as a Cinderella story, and I loved it for its differences. And although no magic made an appearance, the story itself was quite magical.

I will be keeping an eye out for more by this author. I am also looking forward to reading the next story in this compilation: Broken Glass by Emma Clifton, and sharing my thoughts on it with you on Wednesday!