Some of you may remember that a while back I did a post and titled it "What's On Your Nightstand?" I got the idea from author-friend D.J. Edwardson after reading THIS POST and asked if I could copy the idea. We threw around the idea of creating an original feature/meme of our own and getting other bloggers involved, and we've finally decided to go for it! And not only are we creating one meme... but we're creating TWO! (I'll have more info coming on the second one later this week).We've decided to hold this particular meme once a month, on the first Wednesday of each month. (THAT MEANS NEXT WEDNESDAY!!!! So get your cameras out and clean off your nightstand!!!!)The rules are as follows:-Take a picture of the books on your "to read" stack (whether they live on your nightstand or not). (You can set your kindle or e-reader device on your nightstand and take a picture of that, if you wish)-In the blog post, talk about the book (or books) that you are currently reading or about to start. Some ideas of what to write could be answering questions such as: Why did you choose this book? Which book are you most excited about reading? Which one are you currently enjoying? Why do you like it? Or anything else you can think of. Simple things like that.-Have fun!And that's it. Simple, right?Anyone and everyone is welcome to join our "Nightstand Books" adventure. All we ask is that you link back to my and DJ's blogs on your own Nightstand Books post, and that you add your name to the linky widget for that week so that everyone can check out each other's posts. If you do not have a blog, you can still participate by simply telling us what you're currently or about to read in a comment.