2nd Annual Silm Awards

I am so excited to announce that the second annual Silmarillion Awards is returning this year! I will be back with more information next week, but I just wanted to let you all know that they are returning, with all the Tolkien-inspired fantasy fun that we had last year, and TONS more!silmarillion-awards-border-gold

What are the Silmarillion Awards?

They are awards presented to fantasy characters nominated and voted upon by YOU, their readers. These awards are presented by characters from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings who embody the ultimate standard of each award.

Dates to remember:

July 3 - Nominations openJuly 8 - Nominations closeJuly 10 - Voting beginsJuly 15 - Voting closesJuly 17 - 28 - Monday through Friday Award Presentations July 29 - Join us in celebrating the birthday of The Lord of the Rings by posting about why you love Tolkien, fantasy, or what The Lord of the Rings means to you... or something else related to those topics.

Additional Fun:

This year, in addition to the awards, we have PRIZES to giveaway! Each blog will have a different giveaway running throughout the nomination and voting process! We have so many fun things to give away, you will not want to miss out!During the Awards Ceremonies, we will also have a Scavenger Hunt that you will be able to enter for the chance to win a Fabulous Tolkien-Themed Grand Prize! Keep an eye out for more information on that.We also have a lovely commemorative mug and snazzy t-shirts you can purchase over at Chrissy Sabol Johnson's store, which she designed for us using the amazing banner DJ Edwardson created for the event. Now through August 15 you can get 10% off if you use the code: TOLKIEN2017 at check-out. All proceeds will go to support future Silmarillion Awards Events.Nominations open in ONE WEEK! Tell your friends and come enjoy the party!And just to add to the fun, here's a lovely infographic created by our own Deborah to help you remember all the important things! Feel free to share the image with all your friends!SilmAwards2017Infographic

Here is the list of this year's participating blogs and award categories:

Wisest Councillor Silmaril - Tracey @ Adventure Awaits

Least Competent Henchman Silmaril - Kyle @ KyleRobertShultz

Silver Tongue Silmaril - Madeline @ Short and Snappy

Most Epic Hero Silmaril - Abbey @Regarding Reading and Writing

Strangest Character Silmaril - Savannah @Scattered Scribblings

Most Epic Heroine Silmaril - Deborah @Road of a Writer

Most Mischievous Imp Silmaril - Elise @Author E.E. Rawls

Most Magnificent Dragon Silmaril - DJ @DJ Edwardson

Most Loyal Friend Silmaril - Zac @Zachary Totah

Most Nefarious Villain Silmaril - Jenelle @Jenelle Schmidt

Are you excited?