7 Ways you can help the Orb and the Airship

The Orb and the Airship is Live

Today is the day!

The Orb and the Airship has been launched into the wilds of readerland and is ready to be caught, tamed, and ridden off into the sunset.

I am equal parts excited and terrified.

I am terricited.

I have some people to thank for helping me get this far.

To those who backed the Kickstarter, thank you.

To those who pre-ordered the book, thank you.

To those who have left reviews already, thank you.

To those who have shared the cover or news about the book anywhere and in any form, thank you.

To those who have encouraged me along the way, thank you.

And now, we look to the future and I wanted to share with you 7 ways that you can help The Orb and the Airship live its best life now!

Chuckles at self over that last line.

But seriously…

The first thirty days that a book is live on Amazon are crucially important for its lifetime trajectory. So… how can you help?

  1. If you have not yet purchased the book, would you consider doing so in the next week? The book is only 99 cents through the end of June, but on July 1st it will go up in price to $7.99. Now is your chance to get the book at the lowest price possible.

  2. If you do purchase the book, would you consider searching for it on Amazon instead of just clicking a specific link? I would greatly appreciate it if you would use one of the following search phrases followed by “The Orb and the Airship,” for example:
    Fantasy books about friendship the orb and the airship
    Fantasy books for boys about pirates the orb and the airship
    Coming of age books for adults the orb and the airship
    Morally gray characters with redemption arcs the orb and the airship
    Fantasy pirate adventure books for boys the orb and the airship
    Pirate books for young adults the orb and the airship
    Magical Christian fantasy books the orb and the airship

  3. If you are on goodreads (whether you have purchased the book or not) would you take a minute to add The Orb and the Airship to one or more of the following lists?
    Flying Ships and Air Pirates
    YA Novels of 2023
    Best Books of 2023
    Gaslamp Fantasy
    Most Anticipated Book Releases of 2023

  4. Would you be willing to go to your library and request that they stock The Orb and the Airship?

  5. If you have already read The Orb and the Airship, would you consider leaving a review on Goodreads or Amazon or elsewhere?

  6. If you are on social media, would you please share one of my posts on FB or IG?

  7. If you have a copy of the book, would you consider temporarily making a picture of the book or you holding the book or reading the book your profile picture?

If you have any other ideas, feel free to share them in the comments!