Hobbit birthdays are something we actually know rather a lot about, as Tolkien wrote about them extensively. I was just reading up on them the other day, and thought I'd share what I found from THIS SOURCE: (What I have below is heavily paraphrased).

On their birthdays, hobbits would generally receive gifts from their close family and relations, as well as from their neighbors. These gifts were given in private, so as not to embarrass the gift-giver in any way.

In addition to this, however, the hobbit in question whose birthday it was would also be expected to provide gifts for his or her family members. Apparently this tradition starts when the hobbit turns 3 and continues with the number of people he or she is expected to give gifts to growing as the hobbit grows in age and responsibilities.

Usually these were not expensive gifts, though Bilbo was an exception in this way (he was kind of an exception in many ways when it came to "being a hobbit" wasn't he?!) and was known for his generous gift giving.

Also, it was traditional to celebrate one's birthday on the evening before the actual birthday, and all who were invited to the celebration would receive a gift from the "byrding" (the hobbit whose birthday it was).

What a neat concept. I love it. And that is why, next week, starting on my birthday (which is on Monday, November 17th), I am having another 99 cent promotion for Second Son over at the Kindle store - as my gift to all of you!

I don't want to stop there, however! I have more gifts to distribute, as well! If you help me spread the word about this 99 cent deal, you can enter the giveaway below to win one of three awesome prizes!First prize: a $10 Amazon gift card + signed paperback copies of both King's Warrior and Second SonSecond prize: a $5 Amazon gift card + your choice of a signed paperback copy of either of my books: King's Warrior, Second Son, OR a CD copy of Whispered Stories by Brittany Jean

Third prize: Your choice of EITHER a signed paperback copy of King's Warrior, or Second Son, or a copy of Whispered Stories by Brittany Jean or a copy of my all time favorite book: He Whistles for the Cricket by Gwen Walker Second Son 99cent Kindle Add All you have to do to enter the giveaway is spread the word about the 99 Cent Promo Deal for Second Son.

The sale will START on my birthday and run from Nov. 17 - Nov. 21

You can enter in many different ways, and for some of the entries you can even enter multiple times throughout the giveaway! Just check out the rafflecopter below for more details! The giveaway has started a few days in advance of the sale to allow you to know which ways you can enter and give you the option to start spreading the word.Thank you in advance for your help!Unfortunately, I can only ship the physical prizes within the United States. Winners will be notified here on the blog of their winnings and will need to provide an email address and/or physical address so that they can receive their prizes.a Rafflecopter giveaway