A Hobbit Birthday Party

Hello friends! On a whim, I have decided to have a bit of a Hobbit Birthday Party for myself here on the blog. Nothing super fancy or exciting... this IS rather last-minute of me, after all. But I thought to myself... when all these tired NaNoWriMoers are done with November, they are going to need something to relax with for a bit. And, since today is my birthday, and Hobbits are in the habit (heheh, hobbits in the habit) of giving AWAY gifts on their birthdays, I thought... AHA, PERFECT! Now, unfortunately I cannot afford to give ALL of you a present, so you're going to have to fight for it a bit.

"It will be very good for you... and most amusing for me..."

To one of you lovely readers, I will be giving away a shiny new paperback copy of Five Enchanted Roses! Just the thing to curl up with for some December reading, no?FiveEnchantedRosesFinalCover-small 

Rediscover the Enchantment!

A ship bearing the souls of sinful sailors drifts upon a ghostly sea. An abbey looms as the final defense between mortals and ghouls of the underworld. In the stillness of a throne room, statues stand forever frozen in a moment of terror. Monsters and men stalk their prey deep in the jungle’s shadows. A rose blooms in the dead of winter, sheltered in the ruins of an ancient Scottish castle. And only true love can free the Beast from his prison.

 The giveaway will run through the end of November, which is coming up pretty fast... so get your entries in today!a Rafflecopter giveaway