A Kind of Death Blog Tour

Have you heard about the new anthology releasing soon from Uncommon Universes? I am super excited about these stories, as quite a few of them were written by my author-friends. With stories by my dear friend Beka Gremikova, Silmaril Awards host Savannah Grace, my Five Enchanted Roses sister Savannah Jezowski, and quite a few fellow Realmies and Fellowship of Fantasy authors as well this anthology is sure to be jam-packed with awesomeness!

A Kind of Death

A princess who makes dangerous bargains with the afterlife. A man desperate to save his wife, no matter the cost. An uber driver for the undead.

Death, whether real or metaphorical, comes for us all. Yet it is not always the end. And in the depths of grieving can be the promise of hope and redemption.The tales and poems in this anthology explore the depths of love, loss, and transformation. Whether in a reimagined folktale or a modern urban fantasy, A Kind of Death features a fine balance of tragedy and comedy, but always with a hint of wonder and hope.

As this anthology concerns matters of loss (all handled tastefully and without graphic depiction), certain stories might prove challenging for sensitive readers. Recommend reading with a hot beverage and/or a packet of tissues.

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Jenelle! This anthology sounds amazing! Where can I purchase or pre-order it?

I'm so glad you asked that question, because I know the answer! Pre-orders for this book are open through Tuesday, October 22nd, and after that, the book will be released and available for regular purchase in the following places!


And don't forget to add the book to your GOODREADS SHELF!

BUT WAIT! Don't run off yet, because there's more! You can also take a minute and enter the GIVEAWAY below for a chance to win a hardcover copy of A Kind of Death, as well as some other fabulous goodies!

For Rafflecopter Giveaway Prize Pack

a Rafflecopter giveawayHappy reading, my friends!


Uncommon Universes Press is a traditional publishing company featuring fresh science fiction and fantasy stories with wonder, adventure, and sacrifice. Check out the links below to learn more!



