A Super Secret Project Revealed!

Yep, you read that right, dear Reader!

I let slip the revelation of another of my super secret projects. Not here… but elsewhere.

You see, earlier this week, I had the wonderful opportunity to be interviewed by Tricia Goyer from Avid Readers of Christian Fiction. And in the interview, I told her about one of the projects I’ve been keeping pretty close to the vest for a while now.

You can watch the interview below:

Tricia was also kind enough to feature me on her blog

She asked me some super fun questions, and I think my answers were pretty good, too. haha

You can read the post by clicking on the button below (I’m not sure when the link goes live, but it should be sometime today, so if it doesn’t work first thing in the morning when I tend to post stuff, just wait, it’ll be available soon.

I’m also having a GIVEAWAY over there, so definitely check out the blog feature!

Once you’ve figured out the reveal, come on back over here and let me know what you think! I hope you are as excited about it as I am. It’s gonna be epic!

And… on the off-chance that I was WAAAAAY too subtle in my reveal… I’ll definitely have a blog post up soon talking more about it so nobody misses out. But this was too fun of a way to do it for me to resist.

I think somewhere in my subconscious, I really want to be a mystery writer.

I like mysteries.

And big AHA moments.

Makes writing blurbs doubly difficult, can’t lie.

Okay, that’s enough from me here… go! Follow my breadcrumbs! Solve the mystery!

And then let me know… do you like mysteries?