All About Me - take 2

I'm participating in the Reintroduce Yourself Blogfest and, yes, I'm redoing my "all about me" post. Why? Well, because my first attempt sounded a little too... feng shui-ish... you know: calm, soothing, something like what Iron Fist might say from the new Ultimate Spiderman cartoons.


Don't look at me like that, I have a four year old.

Okay, okay, you caught me. I'd probably watch cartoons even if I didn't have a four year old. :)

See? This is much more interesting already.

So, who am I, and what is this blog all about? The two are, of course, linked.

I am a writer, and as such, I find it much easier to communicate through written words than spoken ones. In other words (pun intended), I would probably explode if I didn't write. Hence the 4+ novels, hundreds of poems, and blogging outlets.

I am a wife and mother. I have an incredible, supportive husband and two wonderful, sweet little daughters. I come from a very tight-knit family, and thus family is very important to me, and as such, this blog and my writing will always be family-friendly.

I am a reader. I tend to gravitate towards the fantasy and sci-fi genres, though I do branch out from time-to-time.

So what do I blog about? First of all, don't be fooled by the small number of posts over here. I recently got my snazzy new website up and running. Before I moved over here, I had another blog <--- you can see my archived posts from the past 5 years over there, and while I enjoyed my little blog... I LOVE my new website! (And my website designers/developers... they are AWESOME! Didn't they do a great job?!)

I blog about randomativity. (And I like making up words). Excerpts from my latest works in progress, poetry, book and movie reviews, why chocolate is essential to most desserts, why I love the fantasy genre, and my ongoing journey towards being a published author.

Well, that's about all the time I've got for now... those sweet daughters I mentioned earlier need my attention now. Thanks for stopping by!