If you're stopping by from A-to-Z my "O" post is below (a review of OZ: the great and powerful)... not that you can't read this post, too.... I interrupt our normal programming to bring you this story. 

I have a friend... we get along well because we're both just a little crazy. We like many of the same things: quoting Gilmore Girls, watching Star Gate, NCIS, our kiddos, reading, correcting each other's grammar/punctuation, finding typos in public works (published books, road signs, etc), and many other things.

More importantly than that, she's my sister in Christ.

And God has called her and her family to step out in faith and do something a little more crazy than usual. And they're obeying, joyfully.


They're adopting a sibling group of 3 from Uganda this year. That wasn't their plan. Last year they adopted a sweet baby girl from Taiwan AND moved across town. They weren't planning on increasing their family size again so soon. They weren't planning on Uganda. But God moves hearts and changes plans.

You can read more about their adventures here:

Why am I posting about them here today? Well, they need some help with raising funds (no, I'm not asking you to give them money!!) They're trying to think OUTSIDE the box on this one, so, rather than ask all their friends for money again, they are asking for people to write to Ellen and share their story with her. You can find the links and more information about how to do so here:

Who knows? If she hears from enough people, maybe she'll help out!

It doesn't take much time. You are restrained to 1500 CHARACTERS (which ends up being about 275-ish words) on Ellen's site. (As I write 150,000+ word novels, I found this to be a very frustrating and difficult constraint... but it also means that it shouldn't take you much time).

Would you take a minute to help this family by using your writing skills? Thanks ever so much!

Don't forget to swing by tomorrow to read all about "P" for PIRATES!!!!