April Nightstanding

Happy April 1st! Rabbit Rabbit, and all that. Not only is it the first day of April, but it's also the first Wednesday of April, and you all know what that means! Yes, we're standing on nights, and nighting stands.I was a bit concerned the other day about this upcoming post, because I thought that the picture I needed to share would look like this:IMG_6901 Yes, that is a sad and empty nightstand. I feel like I haven't been reading anything for fun lately. I started Orphan's Song, which was next on my Nightstand list, and then I got my editing notes for Stone Curse, and I realized quickly that I wasn't going to be able to enjoy sinking into the story the way I wanted to. I was just too tired and brain-dead by the end of every day. So I put it aside, and reading it will be part of my reward. Mostly, I've been relaxing each evening before bed (after several hours of editing work) by watching an episode of MASH with Derek.However, then I realized that my nightstand isn't really empty. In fact, it looks a lot like this:IMG_6902That huge book on bottom is a textbook I borrowed from a friend on how styles of clothes changed in Europe throughout the Middle Ages. It's research for Stone Curse.The next book up is my study guide for the Beth Moore Bible study I am doing this year. We're studying David's life. The book above that is my Bible.The next two books are Treasures of the Snow and The Princess and the Goblin, both of which I am reading aloud to Leiana.So, the storal of the mory is: I can't not read. I think I would just go insane if I tried. And apparently, even when I'm "not reading" I'm still reading!What's on YOUR nightstand, dear Reader? I'd love to hear what adventures you're having in storydom!