Ask Me Your Questions!

Dear Reader, I need your help!

I'm planning a bit of an "indie-publishing crash course" series of tips and tricks on the blog this summer.I've got a couple of ideas, but I could use a few more.Topics I'm considering:Newsletters! Yikes! What are they and do I need one?The Marketing Beast: how much do I need to do?Social Media: Do I really need to be on there?What do all the acronyms stand for? (also, if you have seen a writing-related acronym and don't know what it means, please share it with me, because I'm blanking on all acronyms right now... LOL)I have a finished, polished manuscript and I want to self-publish... what do I do now?

Your Turn! Do any of these topics look particularly appealing? Are there any I should skip? What are the things you'd like to know about Indie Publishing that you can't find anywhere else? What are questions you'd like to ask that you haven't felt the ability to ask anyone? I'm no expert, and I sort of muddle through some of the technical aspects of things, but I am more than willing to share what I've learned thus far and what works and doesn't work for me in the hopes that it might help YOU! So... ask away!