Baby Name Brackets Round 4

We are getting down to the wire here with these names. How are your picks looking?So close... but which combination will it be? Only time will tell! The final name will be revealed when the Little Buddy makes his grand arrival!This round was extremely difficult to narrow down. As I've said, every name on this list was actually considered, and so the process of elimination was rough. But in the end, Grayden won out over Taliesin because of pronunciation issues, and because we just liked the name Grayden better in the end, despite its meaning being not as cool "pleasant" or "gray haired"... which is sort of ho-hum in my opinion. Still a cool name. Declan's meaning "man of prayer" won out over Marik's "warrior of Mars" (just something about naming a son for a pagan god didn't quite sit right with us... despite the fact that I've loved the name "Marik" forever... something about the movie "Shipwrecked" impacted my childhood greatly).I have to say, I am quite impressed by how many people had Declan and Grayden down as their final picks! But only the next round will tell what the final winner will be!As for the middle names... well, this was again a tough competition. However, with Grayden and Declan making it to this round, that pretty much disqualified any Tolkien name ending in a "n" sound. (Not that it wasn't helped along a bit by my undying love for the character of Boromir - and the fact that "Aragorn" has no actual meaning, while "Boromir" means "steadfast jewel" - hey, meanings are important!) And while I love the story and character of Beren, and I realize Erebor is a bit different, as it's not the name of a character, but we both really like the way it sounds. And the meaning, "mountain" is pretty cool, too.Honestly, at this point, anyone's guess is going to be close... as I love all possible combinations of the final four names! So I guess the winner, in the end, will be our son... whose name is gonna be epic!What say you?Round 4 Baby Bracket