The idea: Ebulon, the last human kingdom in its realm, has come under attack by a massive army of Orcs. Pressed nearly to breaking, the king of Ebulon has sent out a call to request that if there are any heroes left in any realm that they come to Ebulon's aid.

I've been working with a group of fellow fantasy authors on creating a collaborative story in which we each are in charge of a single entry point into the city. Characters from our own books have come to Ebulon to answer the call for help.

It's both a fun writing project, and a way to do some advertising for each of our books/writing.

For me, it's a really fun way to spend some time writing a new story with some characters I thought I was not going to get to write new stories for anymore. I've really been enjoying creating a new adventure for Brant and company.

This week, I finished the rough draft of my segment and have sent it off to my editors.

We're each supposed to get our segments to the organizer of the project by May 20. When the collaboration is finished, the book will be available for free in e-version - I'll keep you posted on where you can get it!