BATTLE OF EBULON: S.K.N. Hammerstone

Today's interview is with S.K.N. Hammerstone. S.K.N. and I did a little bit more actual "collaborating" in the anthology. She lent me one of her characters, Joshua, and mentioned Ky in her own entry point. It was really fun working with her and doing some back and forth on the project.My Name: SKN HammerstoneTitle of the book that lends characters to Ebulon's need: The Rift, the first book in the Vessel of Souls seriesTell us a little bit about yourself as an author. Why do you write? What got you into writing?I write because there are so many stories and ideas in my head and I want them to be heard and read by other people. I want to inspire my readers and make them fall in love with my characters, feeling what they feel and knowing what they are.Tell us a little bit about your character(s) who answer Ebulon’s call for help. Where do they come from? What is their world like? What about King Yadi’s plea convinces them to join the battle?The characters of mine who go the Ebulon are Rachael, Jesse, and Joshua. The three of them are angels. Rachael is the current angel of death, although this is her first time ever having to actually reap souls. Jesse is her guardian angel. He protects her from everything that could hurt her. The last character, Joshua, is the former angel of death. He has been enslaved in Hell and was forced to give up his title, giving it to Rachael. The reason he is brought to Ebulon is to show Rachael how to complete her duties as the new angel of death.Their world is not a pretty place. Hundreds of years before when the first angel of death was murdered, the veil dividing Hell and Earth tore and demons started to invade the world. The only way to fix this was to let Hell combine with Heaven so that their strength together could keep the worlds separated. Unfortunately this gave the demons enough power to forever trap the angels in a deal where no angel could hurt a demon no matter what those demons did. If they ever did; the demons would return to Hell and the veil would tear again, destroying Earth.Originally these angels did not come because of the plea for help from the King. They were called to reap the dead. Through events you will see in the book; they do end up defending the city in their own way.What intrigued you to take part in this collaboration?I have only published one book and of all of the writing I have done I have never written with any other authors. I wanted to see the book that could be created with all of the amazing authors who have joined this project.What about this collaboration was the most fun? Least fun?Most fun was getting to not only use my own characters in a way that wasn't part of the book, but to use other authors' characters, which will be seen in the book.Least fun was the editing. I always get bored with editing even though I know  it is necessary.Where can we learn more about your book(s)? (website/facebook/twitter/etc?)Website: