Today's "meet the character" post is a little different. First, because these are some of the villains from my current work in progress. Second, because I'm simply going to share with you some of the notes I jotted down when I first began contemplating these characters. I like to write up descriptions and a little bit of back-story before I actually begin inserting characters into a story. So here is a little inside look into that process.

The Niveya family is originally from Palla. They come from Terrenan, northeast of the Plains of Temna. Sevel Niveya, the first of the Niveya house to dream of things larger than tribal skirmishing moved the family to the Randeau Mountain range, where he set up the beginnings of the Niveyan Home. This house eventually grew to become the Nien Fortress/city in which the Niveya family finds refuge. It is a nearly impenetrable fortress high in the mountains. The Emperor knows of its existence, but allows it for two reasons: 1) it serves his interests to let the Niveya family a certain amount of autonomous freedom, and 2) he knows a battle there could be won but it would be a protracted, bitter bloodbath and he would suffer losses far greater than he can afford. Better to let the Niveya family keep its power and allow himself to focus on his plans to conquer the West.

Ericole Niveya - He is the head of the family and leader of his own movement to undermine the Warlord’s authority. It is his goal to be the most powerful man beneath the Warlord, but paying homage to no man. He wishes to set himself up equal to the Emperor... though he has no desire to rule the East... he sees a place for the Emperor, but does not want to be submissive to him. He gives the appearance of humble obeissance, while busily putting plans in place to keep himself out from under the Emperor’s thumb. Tall, dark hair with gray at the temples, beard peppered with gray, he is a distinguished figure, the very portrait of civility and refinement, but he is ruthless both in business and in personal matters. He is quick to act, rules over his family/business with an iron fist, handsomely rewards those who succeed and swiftly punishes those who fail, often not giving them the opportunity to fail more than once. He may give a second chance to a family member... but only if he has a good reason...