First of all: THANK YOU to all who have contributed to Brittany Jean’s Kickstarter Project! We are 60-70% of the way there, which is SO exciting!
We only have TODAY and TOMORROW to reach our goal of $7,500. If we do not reach our goal, no funding will occur at all.
Can you possibly spare $25?
For this $25.00 Pledge you will receive:
  • Free Download of the Album in August and
  • A  Limited Edition CD when it comes out before  December of 2013

Even if you don't have $25 to spare, if you would be willing to pass this Link along to your friends or family members who might be interested in helping Brittany Jean make this CD a reality? That would be greatly appreciated as well!If we reach this goal Brittany will be in the studio recording her final 4 songs on Monday, July 8, 2013.Thank you very much for your  assistance in getting the word out. I believe in this project. I love Brittany's music (and I'm not just saying that because she's my little sister!!!) and really want to see her succeed in this next step into her career as a professional musician.Sincerely,JenelleHere is the link to Brittany Jean’s  Kickstarter project: My four-legged "niece" was apparently feeling left out of the youtube fun... so I'm including her video for your viewing pleasure!