Posts in InterFiction Gazette
Interview With a Mermaid

Dear readers, I’m super excited about this new book releasing TODAY by my friend, Meredith Burton!

Song of the Sea is a story of momentous decisions, forbidden love and self-discovery. For fans of fairy tales with a sprinkling of whimsy, a dash of darkness and a dollop of courage.

Come read my interview with Aria, the main character of the story in today’s post.

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Interview With A Book-Diver

It’s release day for IMPRINT!

This is a special day, y’all. Not only is a brand-new meta-fiction fantasy novel releasing. Not only is a brand-new author emerging onto the scene. Not only is the world about to be filled with more wonderful characters and exciting adventures…. but today I get to help celebrate the debut novel of my dear blogging buddy AND epic Silmaril Award Host, Madeline J. Rose!

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Interview With an Underground Apothecary

I blink in the sunlight and glance around. I am standing in the middle of a town, surrounded by tall, brick buildings. The cobblestones beneath my feet remind me of my time in London, but I can tell that this isn't quite London. In fact, I'm fairly certain I'm not anywhere in OUR world. I swish my skirts about, glad that Lillian told me to dress the part. I would have looked very out of place in my normal jeans and t-shirt. The open market bustles with people in similar 1800s type garb. A lady standing at a booth catches my eye with her array of green, leafy herbs and bright red berries.

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Interviewing a Fallen King

Today is release day for a new book that I’m super excited about!

King Torrin fought a battle he couldn't win.

The sole survivor of a bloody war, his only choice now is to look for help in dark places.

Cyprian wants to change his ways--and Torrin is just what he needs to do it. Together with a ragtag bunch of allies, they'll piece Elyndia back together.

Maybe, if they're lucky, they'll mend their own souls too.

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An Interview With Liam

Joanna White is releasing a new book! Some of you may remember that about two years ago the InterFiction Gazette sent me to the dangerous prison world of Zagerah to interview Averella, one of Joanna’s fantasy heroines.

Well, today, they sent me to a far more pleasant (and much safer!) place for an interview. Just your normal, everyday house, with a normal… er… super famous Youtuber named Liam.

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