Posts in Guest Post
Interview With a Mermaid

Dear readers, I’m super excited about this new book releasing TODAY by my friend, Meredith Burton!

Song of the Sea is a story of momentous decisions, forbidden love and self-discovery. For fans of fairy tales with a sprinkling of whimsy, a dash of darkness and a dollop of courage.

Come read my interview with Aria, the main character of the story in today’s post.

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10 Favorite Fairytales by E.J. Kitchens: Guest Post

Please give a warm Dragon Ward welcome to author E.J. Kitchens, who has come over today to talk about a few of her favorite fairy tales!

E.J. Kitchens is a brilliant author of fairy tale retellings that have a bit of a regency-era flair. A “realmie” and one of my personal favorite fantasy authors, I am super excited about her upcoming new release: The King’s Enchantress, coming out later this week!

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Marvel Champions: Card/Board Entertainment Guest Review

Today’s card/board entertainment review is a guest offering

My dear friend and fellow author and co-host of the Silmaril Awards, DJ Edwardson has mentioned/recommended this game MARVEL CHAMPIONS to me several times, and so I asked him if he’d be willing to write a review of it as a guest post so that I could get a better feel for what this game is all about and how it’s played, and share it with all of YOU at the same time!

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