Ending the Hiatus aka NANOWRIMO is OVER! + Christmas Adventure Author Take-Over Stop #4

Good morning, dear Reader!!! And a very Happy December to you!As you can see, snow is falling on the blog, and I'm BACK from my hiatus!!! Huzzah! Oh, I've missed blogging!But I did manage to WIN NANOWRIMO for the first time ever!!!! *does a happy dance and tosses confetti*Today, I'm just popping in to say "I'M BACK!" I've got a lot of fun things planned for the blog this month to make up for the silence through November. I have my promised vlog all ready to go, because I want to keep it reasonable, I'm splitting it into 4 different videos so it's a little more bite-sized. I've got a couple of awesome books I read in November (yes, GASP I managed to read some books in the midst of all the furious writing!) that I can't wait to tell you about, and some Christmas-y posts, and just lots of fun things and I hope I can fit it all into a single month!But for today... since it's Saturday... I'm mostly just popping in to say "HI! I'm BACK!!!" AND I am helping out with the Christmas Adventure Author Take-Over event going on over at Facebook, so for those of you who have come here seeking clues.... here is mine:


I... have no idea what that means. But I hope it helps you on your journey, and I wish you well on the continuation of your quest!