Christmas Giveaway

Merry Christmas, dear Reader!Today I want to tell you about a really fun opportunity that we here in the Stormcave are putting together for the Christmas season. I hope you enjoy it, because we are hoping that it conveys our appreciation to you, our readers, our listeners, our friends, our fans. You have no idea how thankful we are for each and every one of you. I wish I had the time and resources to bake you all homemade cookies or send you all an individually picked out Christmas gift... but I have neither time nor resources, so instead we have decided to do an Ultimate Stormcave Prize Bundle and one of you will take home this grand prize!The Prize Bundle includes a paperback copy of He Whistles for the Cricket, paperback copies of King's Warrior, Second Son, and Yorien's Hand, as well as CD copies of both Whispered Stories and Leavin' Home!stormcave-prize-bundleYep, that is, in fact, a list of every product we here in the Stormcave have to offer! Pretty neat, huh?

Now, in order to make sure that everything is fair in how we choose said winner... we have decided to once again utilize the trusty Rafflecopter. So, without further ado... here is the list of ways you can get your name entered to win the Ultimate Stormcave Prize Bundle. And if you already own one or more of these items, please feel free to enter anyway, we think our products make great gifts, as well!

a Rafflecopter giveaway