Coming Up for Air

Well, I did it. The last round of edits for Minstrel's Call have been completed, and the manuscript is in the hands of a proof-reader! Soon, I may be issuing a call for beta readers. More information about Minstrel's Call and what's going on there will be coming out in my Newsletter tomorrow (+ an exclusive short story... as my Christmas Gift to you, dear Reader)! Make sure you are signed up for that!I also have all sorts of things running around in my mind to post here on the blog: movie reviews, book reviews, behind-the-scenes tidbits, writing ruminations/tips/tricks, and more...But for now, a well-deserved rest. Or at the very least, a much-needed one. I'm going to be "radio silent" for the next week or so, and then I'll be back! Not that I'm capable of taking a true vacation from writing... within 6 hours of sending MC off to the proof-reader, my brain was whirling on ideas and plans and exciting things to do with The Orb and the Airship, Mantles of Oak and Iron, and spinning on the possibility of creating a children's book out of something I recently wrote for our church, and my fairy-tale series..... six hours. That's as long as I lasted.But, while these ideas marinate and percolate and simmer in the back of my brain (because I a taking a break, whether my brain agrees with me or not!) there are a couple of things I wanted to tell you about that have me over the moon excited!First up, DJ Edwardson just released his newest book, The Last Motley, which I have been super excited about for a long time, now. I had the privilege of beta-reading this one a while back and have watched it go through some ups and downs ever since then. For a while, I feared the author would just hide it away... but, I am thrilled that he stuck with it, and I cannot wait to read this book in its finished form.THE LAST MOTLEYMotleys. Candy-colored creatures with dark powers to drain the souls of men. That’s what Roderick always thought. Until he met one. Now he’s not so sure. But with seemingly everyone in the province hunting the motley down, he must quickly decide which side he’s on. Is the motley the living nightmare the legends say? Or just a child cursed by magic? Should Roderick save him from an awful fate, or turn him in? Either way, it seems like everyone wants to make sure that this will indeed be the last motley.Doesn't that sound exciting? The only reason I haven't snagged a copy yet is in case someone gets it for me for Christmas.... hahaThe other piece of news that has me jumping up and down and incapable of containing my excitement is Brittany Jean's announcement earlier this week that her third album has an official release date! Wander With Me will be releasing on January 18, 2018! I have heard most of the songs in concert, now, and they are just gorgeous. Every time I hear a new song from this artist, I think, "That's it, it doesn't get any better than that." ...and then the next new song changes my mind. Brittany has been releasing tantalizing little hints about the songs that will be on this album over on her facebook and twitter pages.