Confessions of an Overwhelmed Wizard

I think it’s time I let you all know….

That the blog is going to stay a little quieter for a while.

And that I don’t know how long this easier pace will last.

It’s not a lack of ideas. I have a plethora of ideas. I have topics, tips, reviews, and general back-page-pass types of posts all swimming around in my head. I have enough ideas to keep me posting weekly for more than a year.

But I also have this massive project I’m trying to complete, and a deadline I’m aiming at so that you have new stories to read sooner rather than later. And I want every ounce of my writing time and energy to be focused on pushing that project to completion. That goal is top priority. Does that make sense? If I’m writing, then I want to be working on the Turrim Archive, and if I’m not working on Turrim, then I just want to rest and do other things.

But I also have four hobbits who are starting to grow up rather quickly. They’re all getting super interesting and fun, and I don’t want to miss that. Writing books is one of my passions, but being a mom is my calling. My charge. My highest honor and duty. And I love it so very much. I love these munchkins so very much.

And I can’t do it all.

It’s not like when they were babies and they napped a lot… I honestly had a lot more time back when I thought I had no time. Irony.

They’re starting to go to camps and be involved in sports. They are getting big enough to read Star Wars books and then have epic hour-long conversations about all the things Disney has done wrong with that franchise (raising ‘em right). They’re asking massive questions like: “how can God be three in one?” As they get bigger, they’re navigating the need to pick and choose what they’re involved in because they’re discovering THEY can’t do it all, either. Much as they might want to.

And as I am teaching them that last lesson…. I am having to relearn it myself.

So this is a season.

It’s a season of editing. (so. much. editing) It’s a season of mothering. It’s a season of the blog being a little bit quieter… more of a place for occasional posts rather than weekly ones right now.

And that’s okay. I think.

I love this blog. I love you, dear Readers. I love chatting with you in the comments. I love writing up my thoughts on books and movies and all the fantastical things that pop into my head. I love doing tags and getting to know you all better through this blog. But right now, I have to step back a little. Just a little. This isn’t a formal hiatus. It’s not a “I’m going away completely.” Neither is it a hard-and-fast, “This is the date I’ll be back.” It’s just a… well… I guess it’s just me formalizing what I’ve already been doing pretty much all year. But letting you know that I’m still here. I still see your comments. I still want to chat. I just can’t crank out the blog content the way I used to. Not right now.

But I hope to be able to produce rather a lot of new novel content for you in the very near future. So that’s something to look forward to. I put together a list the other day of books I have already written + books I have ideas for… and the list is long. And getting longer all the time.

So, I’ll see you around here still. Just not as frequently.

(Don’t worry, the Silmaril Awards are gearing up and will get going in September as regularly scheduled and I will be a part of them)

If you don’t know what the Silmaril Awards are… click on the button below and learn all about them. And start thinking about your favorite characters now, because nominations open up SOON!

Thank you for your patience and your understanding. You all are the best readers.