Hey all, due to some unforeseen complications that occurred when I installed Wordpress 3.9 (I swear, I'm never updating anything... ever... again! This happens every single time) things are going to be a bit late today.I promise, I will have my Six Degrees of Kool Books post up later, but I was unable to schedule anything yesterday (long story... the short version is that the place where you write up new posts basically disintegrated in the update) and I have stuff going on this morning that prevents me from composing anything until later this afternoon.Please be patient and bear with me.Also, since all my plugins are now invisible (but also not working), I have to turn comment moderation on so that the floodgates of spam don't overwhelm my site... so I apologize that your comments won't show up right away, but we are working to get that fixed ASAP... we think we know how to do it, but it's going to take some effort. I hate technology.