Good morning, dear Reader. I have some exciting news about King's Warrior and Second Son. Now that both are available on Kindle, I thought it might be a good idea to participate in one of Amazon's new Count Down Dealios. So, consider this your fair warning! I spent a good amount of time at the end of last week taking a short break from editing so that I could do a little marketing legwork, and went around putting my books' details into various sites' databases to let them know about the Countdown Deal... all in hopes that one or two of them actually posts it or puts it on a list that their readers can see. So far, I'm pleased to announce that ebooklister, ereadernewstoday, and thefussylibrarian have all agreed to post and promote my books on the days they will be participating in the countdown deal. I'm hopeful that a few others will, as well.

However, the best form of getting the word out there is YOU, dear Reader! I need you to help spread the word!

Here are the details:

August 6 - 13:  KING'S WARRIOR will be available on Kindle (in the USA) for JUST 99 cents!August 7 - 14: KING'S WARRIOR will be available on Kindle for 99 cents (or, you know, the equivalent in their currency) in the UK storefronts (I have no idea why it would not let me choose the same dates).August 12 - 19: SECOND SON will be available on Kindle for JUST 99 cents (in both the USA and the UK).

Now, I thought I'd try something new (to me). Below are two snazzy blog buttons for you, dear Reader! If you would be so kind as to help me out with making this countdown deal successful, I would greatly appreciate it. All you have to do is grab one or both of these and put them somewhere on your own blog, sometime during the countdown deal (for example: if you grab the King's Warrior button, then place it on your site sometime during the August 6th-13th time frame (or 7th-14th if you or your readership lives in the UK)). If you grab the html code I've provided, all you have to do is insert that into your post with the HTML editor turned on, and it will do everything for you, including adding the link to the book's US Amazon page. However, depending on where you live, I have included the links below to each book's US and UK amazon storefronts for you to use (so you can use whichever link you wish on the blog button) if you'd rather just copy/paste the image and add the link yourself. You don't even have to write a blog post about it, though please feel free if you wish to do so, and let your readers know that they are welcome to share the blog button as well!

Thank you, dear Reader, for your help!


King's Warrior Blog Button

Kings Warrior 99cent Kindle Add



<a href="" rel="nofollow">

<img id="logo" src="" alt="King's Warrior Kindle Edition">


Second Son Blog ButtonSecond Son 99cent Kindle Add 


<a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img id="logo" src="" alt="Second Son Kindle Edition"></a>