Fan Page

Hello friends and fans,

Sorry I have been absent from this blog for so long. I am finally back. Today's post won't be long, I just wanted to draw your attention to a few things (anyone who actually peruses this blog anymore).

First: I have created a facebook fan-page for my writing. I update it every couple of days or at least once a week. If you'd like to swing by, you can click on the following link:!/pages/Raleigh-NC/Jenelle-Leanne-Schmidt/282216172260?ref=nf

Second: I entered my first book, The Dragon's Eye, into the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest and made it past the first round of cuts! I am super psyched. You can read about the contest here:

Third: I created a place where you can read a preview of my book and leave feedback here:

Thanks for swinging by. I will be updating much more frequently now.