Featured Artist Friday: A.G. Werff

Today I am so pleased and excited to introduce you to my blogging friend and fellow author and avid reader, Abbey Werff! Abbey has kindly agreed to do an interview over here, and I am just so eager for you all to meet her!A.G. Werff (the A stands for Abbey, not Adorable, and G does not stand for G-you-look-good-to-me) reads, writes, but does not do arithmetic (at least, not voluntarily). Currently, she has self-published one book called After the Twelfth Night which you can learn about HERE.Book Description:Antonio was a pirate, and now he's in jail for that long ago sea fight with the Duke. His friend, Sebastian, was supposed to bail him out of jail, but Sebastian has been kidnapped! Antonio promises Sebastian's wife that he will find her missing husband, but first he must get out of jail... In A.G. Werff's debut novel, you will find humor, heroes with sidekicks, villains with henchmen, pirates, love, peril, adventure, and lots of treasure!You can also learn more about Abbey by reading her marvelous BLOG.

1. When and why did you start writing?
I've been creating stories for as long as I can remember. Even when I couldn't write, I would narrate to my parents. We have quite a few of these three-sentence stories hidden away in a box somewhere. Why did I start writing? I dunno. Because words have been imbedded in my soul, I suppose, and have to come out somehow.
2. What is the best part about writing?
I get unnaturally excited about outlining. It's very fun to see a full-fledged plot develop under one's nose, complete with a twist or two, and wrapped up in the end like the last few bites of too-rich cheesecake. Satisfying, yet yearning for more.
3. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Actually writing is the hardest. Sitting down to plot or write is like preparing for battle. Unfortunately, there is usually a computer with internet hanging around the edge of camp, urging unsuspecting Authors to go AWOL.
4. Describe your ideal place to write:
There's something about the ocean that inspires my Inner Writer like no other. The waves make the best soundtrack; soothing, smooth, and, yet, strong and resplendent, reflecting God's majesty and power.
5. What do you do when you're NOT writing?
Right now I'm working on finishing highschool. I'm also very active in my church: singing on the worship team and co-leading a girl's Bible study. Music and reading take up quite a bit of my spare time... and watching Star Trek.
6. Are you working on anything new, and would you be willing to tell us about it?
Right now I'm preparing to re-write a fantasy novel I wrote last year. It tells the tale of a rescued princess and her rescuers... but only Princess Rozella is who she seems.
I'm not getting a terrible lot of work done on the outline or characters, however, because new story ideas keep invading my imagination, begging to be written down! Plus there are all those good books to read... and Star Trek to watch.
On a lighter note...
7. Storms: awesome or terrifying?
Awesome! Stormy weather is the best kind of weather, and I'm not just saying that because I'm from the Pacific Northwest. Remember what I said about my ideal place to write? Change it to a stormy ocean and I'll be right at home (next to a fire with a notebook in my lap and a water-front window to my left so I can still see the stormy sea).
8. What is your favorite movie?
One that few have heard of, unfortunately. It was made in the 1960s and is called The Great Race. It stars Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, Natalie Wood, and Peter Falk with music by Henry Mancini! Dueling stuntsmen The Great Leslie and Professor Fate have the ultimate face-off when they enter a car race from New York City to Paris. They face cowboys and Indians, a familiar-looking foreign monarch and his scheming advisors, and even a polar bear! Who will win the race and, more importantly, will The Great Leslie win the heart of suffragette and photojournalist Maggie DuBois? This movie is noted for The Greatest Pie Fight ever (which also tells you that it's slapstick comedy at its best).
I LOVE that movie! I actually own it! And this is another reason I love Abbey so much, she's familiar with a lot of the more obscure books and movies that are near and dear to my heart.
Thanks for having me over, Jenelle!
Thanks for stopping by and telling us a bit about your writing, Abbey!