Five Enchanted Roses: Stone Curse

The winners of the Five Enchanted Roses contest were announced yesterday, and I am so just over the moon to be included as one of them! You can read the official announcement and read a little blurb about each of the five stories that will be included in the collection HERE.I am so excited about the opportunity to work with Rooglewood Press and Anne Elisabeth Stengl and just to be included in what looks like is going to be an absolutely fantastic collection of stories retelling that Tale as Old as Time: Beauty and the Beast. I am so excited to read all the other stories!If you're as excited as I am about this collection, please help me spread the word about it! You can use any of the images below. I would really appreciate any blog posts, tweets, or facebook posts you can spare!StoneCurseButton (1)          Five Enchanted Roses also has a Goodreads Page! Make sure you head on over there and add it to your shelves! It sounds like this will be released sometime this Summer, so get excited!