Nightstand Books: February 2015

Well, here I am trying to resurrect some of the memes that had to get put by the wayside when little Brantland was born and I wasn't sure how much blogging I was going to be able to do right away. I am super excited for this month's Nightstand Books post for several reasons. 1) I enjoy doing the nightstand books meme. 2) It reflects the fact that I just received a box of books in the mail (and is there anything more fun than receiving books in the mail? I ask you). 3) It's a stack of books I've been wanting to read for a while, now. And 4) it reflects one of my reading goals for 2015: read a lot of the books by these authors whose blogs I've been reading for the past year!First, the picture:IMG_6464 I am so excited about this stack of books! There are a couple in there I've been wanting to read for a long time. So, from the bottom up:The Word Changers by Ashlee Willis. I had the pleasure of interviewing Ashlee over here on the blog a while back and I have been wanting to get my hands on a copy of her book ever since. It sounds like such a fun, sweet, whimsical blend of two of my favorite genres: fantasy and meta-fiction, and a lot of people I trust have said it was quite good. So I am very much looking forward to reading this one!Orphan's Song by Gillian Adams. I stumbled across Gillian's blog a while back, and I just fell in love with her writing. Orphan's Song is her debut novel and it released this past Fall, and I am so excited to read it.Secrets Kept by J.L. Mbewe. I had Jennette over for an interview recently as well. I've been eyeing this book for a while, and I can't wait to start reading it.The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle - I'm in the middle of this one right now and so far I'm afraid it's not really living up to the hype. It's well-written and eloquent, but I'm not as blown away by it as I expected. Maybe it's just one of those books that starts slow. It's good enough to keep reading, and the jury's still out, I'll let you know what I thought of it when I'm finished.Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic. This is one I've heard quoted quite a bit, and lots of people I know have read it, and I have little ones running around my house - and I love them dearly, but everyone needs a bit of encouragement here and there upon occasion, so I thought it might be time to check it out. Besides, I think I went to high school with her husband, which is just cool.Turn Coat by Jim Butcher - The next book in the Dresden Files. I really enjoy these books. Snark, magic, and Chicago... it's like they were written for me specifically. I'm hooked on these adventures!That's all I've got for now.How about you, dear Reader? What's on your nightstand?