February Fantasy Links

Thanks to everyone who participated in the February is Fantasy Month link-up, either by commenting, sharing about it on your social media sites, joining in with a post of your own, or just stopping by to read. I really enjoyed the month of celebrating my favorite genre and chatting with you all about various fantasy topics!A special thank you to those who joined the link-up with posts of your own - which I will list here since I wasn't able to set up the linky list to display nicely on the original post:

The Page Dreamer: Nightstand Books

The Page Dreamer: Fan Art

The Page Dreamer: Review of The Ordinary Princess

E. Rawls: Short Story Titled "Dragon's Treasure"

Please do stop by their posts and leave a comment!

I would love to make this an annual thing, so start thinking about what fantasy-related things you'd like to discuss next February!

Until then, however, I have lots more fun things planned!

DJ Edwardson and I are planning to hold a Tolkien-Inspired Fantasy Awards Ceremony of sorts... that will be starting in May. Keep an eye out for more info coming your way soon!

I have started receiving strange missives from a very interesting character... which I will be sharing with you all shortly. This fellow is having quite a series of adventures! I hope you enjoy reading about them.

I'm hard at work editing Minstrel's Call, which is part of why I've been so quiet here on the blog the past couple of weeks (that, and blogging every day for a month really took a lot out of me). I've just reached that moment in the story upon which everything pivots (I forgot how early on it happens in this story... and I'm in a bit of psychological trauma because of it. Sometimes we authors have to do some terrible things to our characters... but I've never been one of those authors who takes gleeful joy from it... so I'm reeling a bit with my cast right now... even though I knew it was coming, it still breaks my heart every time).

The concept art for this book is really coming together and I can't wait to see what Angelina does with it!

The Fantasy Branch of the Clean Indie Reads group has banded together and is starting a website of our own! That's quite exciting. We're also doing some fun giveaways and facebook events and such a few times a year. The next giveaway will be later in April, and it's going to be pretty awesome. Don't worry, I'll keep you informed on how to enter!

Speaking of giveaways, don't forget to enter the giveaway I've got running to win a signed copy of Brittany Jean's latest album, Leavin' Home! The giveaway for that will run through March 31st, so there's still time to enter, and entering is super easy!

I have been informed that the album is now available on iTunes!

I'll leave you with a taste of the style of song that you will find on this album -"Someday Soon" by Ian Tyson (one of two cover songs you'll find on this album, all the rest are originals).
