Featured Artist Friday: Aletha Bakke

Good morning, dear Readers! I promise, I haven't fallen off the planet. Just taking a breather from the month-long blog-a-thon I had over here. I'll be back soon, I promise. But today I would love to introduce you all to Aletha Bakke, fellow Clean Indie Fantasy author!To Save Two Worlds (is twice as much fun) — The First Book of The Worlds Akilter Series12628416_10153907701327277_2798330949659441833_o

Kale has never quite fit in with his own people. Born with an uncanny ability to sense things beyond the physical, the anxiety caused by that unbalanced power drives him to do odd things that interfere with his every day life. He becomes the unwitting, cosmic trail blazer sent on a journey for what? Not even he knows at first. Through various, comical and daunting scenarios, he has to survive such hazards as the feet of giant earthlings, the ineptitude of a mage with a short attention span, the fury of a female's wrath, a soul devouring parrot, and worst of all; crazy cat ladies.One of those human hazards goes by the name of Amiah. While out at a LARP (Live Action Role Play) game, she comes across the lidra. She decides to capture them as nicely as she can so she can learn more about them. She has always wanted to be involved in something beyond the reality she has grown up in. While being a nanny for a couple of lively boys is a rewarding job, she's always had her head in the clouds, searching for the magical something beyond the mundane.

When and why did you start writing?

I've always had the desire to write but it wasn't until I was 33 years old that everything finally clicked and I found my stories and my writing voice. Until then, I had started many a story project and then let it fizzle out. Now, the stories won't stop!

Why did you choose to write in this genre?

Fantasy is my favorite genre to read as well as write. I especially like to read fantasy with a humorous twist to it such as Terry Pratchett's books. With my own writing, I like to know that I made a reader smile and brightened their day with one of my stories. I enjoy making things up. I don't like the hard set boundaries of reality. In fantasy, I can go anywhere and do anything. Why? Magic!  

Is anyone else in your family musical/artistic/writers? Describe your family members’ artistic interests and abilities.

My family is full of creative spirits! Too many to list! My father is adept at words and puns. I inherited my love for cheesy puns from him. My mother makes some beautiful pottery. Two of my younger sisters are talented at drawing. Another younger sister is awesome at knit-er, I mean, crocheting. My go-to word is 'knitting' and she always gives me an annoyed look and corrects me. So now I say 'knitting' on purpose! What is an older sister for but to tease the younger siblings? One of my aunts is also a writer and working on a book series with her oldest son who is a professional artist. Really, almost everyone in my family has some kind of creative hobby that they do; wood work, music, writing, sculpting, drawing, and so on.   

What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous?

Throw the rules out the window and write! A big part of why I never finished a story before was because I got caught up in trying to make things perfect from 12227669_10153737071057277_1026905425559419411_nthe start. It won't be perfect. It never will be perfect. Find your own process of writing and go with that. Other people (like me, haha) might have good advice, but find what works for you.

Also, read! Reading books, especially in the genre you are writing, will help immensely. Reading helps the brain grow and learn what draws a person into a book, and what doesn't. Though, if you read my books, you may think I didn't pay attention to my own advice. I understand feeling intimidated by an author who's better than you (I experience that every time I read another author's book)....Read their books anyway.

Self discipline will take you far. Find a time. Sit down and write. No matter what.

Do not allow writer's block to exist in your universe. There is no such thing.  (Ha! Well... speak for yourself!)

Describe your process for writing/completing a novel.

Ideas wander into my head whenever they feel like it. I hang onto them and ponder them. When it's time to write that story, I sit down and start writing. I don't do outlines or detailed character profiles. That stuff bores me and, as in the past, if I try to go that route, the book doesn't happen. When I'm first starting a book, I might write around four lines of the general gist of the story...and then I start writing the actual story. Once the first rough draft is finished, I go through it again and start adding and deleting things with wild abandon. Then, I go through it again, same process; adding, deleting, rearranging. I go through the book several times, polishing things up until it is as shiny as I can make it. Then I send it to a few wonderful friends who proof read it for me. When they send it back, I have to fight a panic attack at the sight of all the red marks. AAAAAH! Then I duct tape my story's broken ego back together. I try to have family and friends involved in the making of the covers. I do a lot of the cover work digitally, myself. Then I publish it! Tada! 

What is the best part about writing?

Cackling maniacally when a scene amuses me. The cats all look at me weird. No, really, when my own story can make me laugh, I feel a lot more confident about letting the rest of world see it.  (Yes! I love it when I crack myself up while I'm writing, as well!)

What is the hardest thing about writing?

When I first start a novel because I'm not entirely sure what all is going to happen yet. I get anxious about how it will turn out and if it will be good enough. I feel a little lost, like I'm trying to make my way through twisting, dark tunnels without a flashlight. I always have to remind myself that the pieces will fall into place as I continue onward.

Describe your ideal place to write.

First thing in the morning, on the couch with coffee by my side and cats flopped on my lap, legs and feet. C is for couch, coffee, and cats.

10257706_10153876388657277_4324522746733658468_nWhat do you do when you’re NOT writing? (hobbies, things you do for fun, your day-job, etc?)

I work as a companion home provider for an individual with autism. 

I am passionate about horses and although I've started riding late in life when I don't bounce as well as I used to, I get out to the barn to work with my horse 4-5 days a week. I am also working with a friend's horse so that another friend of mine can ride that horse. Then we can ride at the same time! The more horses, the better! I have a back injury from falling off a horse and landing on my face like a pro, so I have to stick with gaited horses. I have a rocky mountain horse. His name is Tannim and he is wonderful. 

I also like to put together fun outfits for comic-cons, though I don't do the extreme awesomeness that other people do.  

Who would you most like to thank for their involvement in your writing career?

The Creator of inspiration who blessed me with the stories in the first place. My family for being so supportive. My friends who proof read my books and point out their resemblance to Swiss cheese. My cats for keeping my feet warm. And coffee, because how would I write without coffee?

And just for fun...

Favorite season? Why?

Fall. The weather is cooling down from roasting me to death in summer, but there are still beautiful, sunny days to go on trail rides with my friends. The changing color of leaves is beautiful! I am obsessed with pumpkins. Every year, I tell myself, no pumpkins! Every year, I end up beating last year's number of pumpkins randomly sitting around the house.

Favorite hot beverage?12208538_10153730197272277_6396574724218948489_n

Lattes! Of course! 

How many siblings do you have?

Five wonderful sisters and one wonderful brother. I think? Hold on, gotta count on my fingers, here. Yup, those are the correct numbers!

Storms: awesome or terrifying?

Awesome! The more lightning and thunder, the better! Unfortunately, I don't get to see those kind of storms where I live very often. Though, there was an incident where lightning struck close to the barn I board my horse at. I was outside with him, just letting him graze on the grass. The lightning was blinding and sounded as if a gun had gone off right next to us. I panicked all over the place while he stood in one spot, snorting and wide eyed. But he didn't run or bolt or do anything to endanger the people around him while I was running around in circles like a chicken with its head cut off. Since then, I'm a little nervous under the open sky when it feels stormy, but I still like storms when I'm safely inside my house with hot chocolate and a laptop. 

Thanks for joining us today, Aletha! If you would like to learn more about Aletha, her books, and her writing journey, you can find her on the interwebs: