Okay, it's not really a dilemma... but I like the word "dilemma."

I really enjoy goodreads. I enjoy meeting other people who like to read. I like having conversations about books. I like the discussions it generates. I like the avenue for writing reviews and pretending that other people actually might care about what I thought about any given book.

So what's the dilemma, you might ask?

I am, upon occasion, slightly immature.

You see, when you're on goodreads, you get notifications whenever anyone posts in a new topic in a group you're a part of. And sometimes, instead of responding to whatever the latest post is, I just want to leave a short, snarky response to the TITLE of the topic... even if that thread is already in the hundreds of posts category. (Okay, particularly if that thread has that many posts).


Because it would make me giggle.

No, I haven't actually done it (and never would!)... but I've thought about it.

For example: one popular thread is titled, "Do you write a book blog?"And I just want to hop on there and post, "No." (regardless of whatever the latest post is... which might simply be a link to someone's book blog)

Another one is titled, "Questions for authors."I just want to write, "Answers forthcoming." (and, as the latest post says: "I've just started using Scrivener, and it's a good tool, but IMO one still needs a word processor -- I'd get both. I have both. I use both." people might be confused, and I would think it hilarious)

There are also threads linked to specific books, and the ones linked to Twilight or The Hunger Games are almost too tempting to resist.Twilight:

"Am I the only one who thinks Bella is a strong character???"(Yes, yes, you are)

"What is so special about Bella?"(um... she had 4 books written about her... so she obviously has an author wrapped around her little finger)

"Why do people hate the movies?"(Have you WATCHED them? At best they're really fun to mock... at worst, they're just boring.)

The Hunger Games:

"Are these books fantasy or science fiction?"(erm... neither. Please get a dictionary and look up "dystopian")

"What about the rest of the world?"(Yes, I was wondering that, myself. Best I can come up with is that the author has no clue... which is why she only wrote about Katniss and co.)

"What's so bad about making children fight to the death if they're all just poor people?"(REALLY?!?!?!?!)

"Hunger Games vs LOTR vs Narnia."(No. Just... no. I don't even want to know....)

What are some crazy/ridiculous/amusing things you've seen/heard/read people say about books you either loved or hated?