"Happy Christmas, Harry"

christmas-1112341_640Just popping in to let you all know that I won't be blogging next week. We are having a nice, quiet, stay-at-home Christmas, and I am greatly looking forward to it.We are just about done with hanging ornaments on our Jesse Tree.We're reading Luke 21 today, so we've actually managed to stay with the schedule for the most part!We've fallen woefully behind on our Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar (but that is better, actually, and sometimes we let that one fall behind on purpose because it means that EVERYONE gets to build a tiny Lego, instead of having to take turns)Christmas cookies have been baked (and... subsequently given away and eaten... so... I should go make some more...)We've read a few Christmas themed children's picture books (I've been posting pics of some of my favorites over on my Instagram if you're looking for some titles to acquire for your own stash).We've watched quite a few Christmas movies. (And are still making our way slowly through Middle Earth). And I've got a hankering to re-watch the Harry Potter movies next, hence the quote in the post title).Christmas music has been playing.Children have been getting on each other's nerves because the snow all melted but it's been cold and they're feeling cooped up.I'd say that in spite of the craziness of building a house (whose idea was THAT?), we've actually had a pretty fantastic Advent season.I've convinced my family to participate in Iceland's Jolabokaflod, so we are all giving each other books and chocolate on Christmas Eve in the morning and spending the rest of the day reading and eating chocolate (until the Christmas Eve services later... which my husband is running sound for) I am looking forward to Christmas Eve with great anticipation...Wrapping of presents is probably happening over the weekend (or... if I know us... after the kids are in bed on Dec. 24th, because we are proud members of the Wrapping Procrastinator's Club).Wherever you are, dear Reader, I hope your Christmas is filled with peace and joy. My prayer for each of you is that you can find rest in the grace and hope of Christmas this year.I will see you all next week with the final installment of my blog-o-versary vlog, a post about the best fantasy books I read in 2018, and probably some writing dreams for the new year... or something.

Merry Christmas, dear Reader!

 What does prepping for Christmas look like in your home? Any favorite traditions, books, songs, or movies? Anything new you're trying this year? Are you traveling? Staying in? I'd love to hear from you!