Of course, some of you barely noticed that I was gone... :) so you're confused.

My wonderful, brilliant, extremely talented husband managed to get my website back in order, and all plugins are up and running and functioning properly. Not least of these plugins is the one that moderates spam comments.

I kid you not, I went out of town for 28 hours and I came back to 895 spam comments.


That's just a little ridiculous. Of course, most of these are the sort that are easily spotted (because they're in a different language than the one I speak and write in), or blank, or just a bunch of links. Some are easy to spot because they mostly just want you to buy their SEO service. But then there are the ones that praise you up and down for your "stylish content" and "amazing webmaster skills" or for the "lovely and useful information" you apparently provide, and tell you nice things like, "I happened across your blog for the first time today and it is simply amazing, stunning, brilliant, I shall definitely be back!"If that was you, and you're a real person "Oakley Sunglass Hut" - I apologize profusely for deleting your comment.

All that aside, however, the website is back and I feel FREE again. :)

So, fair warning. I'll be posting more often again! (And hopefully in the mornings, and not at 4pm at the last minute). However, I am also in the midst of rather frenzied editing, so I apologize in advance if some of my posts are a bit haphazard.