Ink Blotted Beka Blog Tour

INk blotted beka

"A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."

Sadly, I am not a wizard. At least, not this time. I was supposed to be a part of this blog tour for my friend, Beka, on Tuesday... but guess who totally dropped the ball? Or rather, forgot there even was a ball!  Yep. Got it in one.

However, she has graciously allowed me to post today instead, and I am so pleased she did because, as you will see, this lady's artwork is just incredible!I had the privilege of meeting Beka last summer, I think it was, and she is such a delight. She also holds the distinction of being the first person ever to draw fan art for one of my stories, which I got permission to share with you, in addition to some of these other images from her portfolio!Beka hails from the Great White North (aka Canada), where she reads, dreams, and doodles away. She loves bringing characters from the written page to the visual eye, and dabbles in pencil and coloured pencil and the occasional watercolor. Her dream is to one day get into digital art and save some trees.

And the most exciting part of this news is that she is NOW OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS! 

$10/character black and white$15/character full-color

You can contact Beka for commission through her FB page: Facebook

See more of Beka's artwork on her Instagram

Here are a few samples of her artwork:Mother, Father, ChildI love the tenderness in this piece.IMG_6759Karyna from Stone Curse"You were never a beast." ~ Stone CurseI absolutely adore the way she captured the characters of Stone Curse!The MirrorAnd I love the intricacy of this one!Beka is giving away a free character drawing! So make sure you enter that!a Rafflecopter giveaway