Interview With a Raindrop

I've never done an interview with quite such a unique sort of character before, so when InterFiction informed me that they were sending me to Rainland to interview a raindrop, I wasn't sure what to expect. I had never encountered a raindrop before, I mean, other that the ones that fall from the sky in my world. The experience was wholly different than anything I could have imagined.Rainland_KINDLERainland by Sarah AllerdingWhen Thomas gets caught in a summer storm, he is sucked into the world of raindrops through a tornado. He learns he will not be allowed to return until he can defeat the lightning, which has been hurling raindrops from the clouds. Many adventures await him in this strange land. Is everything just as the raindrops say it will be? Is it the lightning they need to defend themselves against, or is there a much greater foe behind the disturbing disappearances?As the blue glow from my InterFiction badge begins to fade, I open my eyes and find that I am in a wholly other sort of place. Though everything I know screams that the clouds are just mist, they are solid beneath my feet as I begin to pick my way across the alien terrain. Directly ahead of me, I see the character I am supposed to interview, a Droplet (raindrop child)."Drip?" I call out, hoping that my badge didn't set me down in the wrong place. "I'm here with the InterFiction Gazette. Did they tell you I was coming to interview you?"He stops what he is doing and looks up at me. It is a rather strange experience. He is a child, but he is also most definitely a raindrop."No, they didn't but it is nice to meet you. Welcome to our country. You probably never imagined that there were raindrops running around and playing when you looked down at the clouds from an airplane. "I grin. "I never did imagine that! Speaking of which, I'm sure my readers would love to know... what's it like being a raindrop?"He scrunches up his face in thought. "I never really thought about that. I definitely like it! Except when the lightning strikes and knocks us over the edge. That is scary.""That sounds terrifying," I agree. "So I'm guessing that's something you don't like about being a raindrop. Is there anything else you don't like about being a raindrop?""Well, I don't like the fact that I can't explore any other lands. If I were to leave Rainland, I would lose my ability to talk, walk, think, or anything else like that until I return. That is why you never see raindrops walking and talking after a storm," he smiles.I lean forward over my pad of paper (which is getting a bit soggy, thankfully my pen keeps working, but I'm not sure all my notes will be legible when I arrive home). "Until you return? So, when your people fall to the ground, they can come back?"He looks at me oddly. "Well, yes, we can. It all depends on the water cycle. That's what my brother told me. Some raindrops could be gone for hundreds of years if they end up on the bottom of an ocean.""I see, so that is similar to in my world." I glance down at my notes. "I hear that in your book you meet a human boy named Thomas. Can you tell me a bit about him and how he reacted to you?"Drip nods. "When I first met Thomas I was terrified of him. I thought he was a monster. It was the first time I had ever seen a human. He assured me that he wasn't a monster. Now, I have grown to like him."I smile. "It's interesting how first impressions can go. Can you describe your life here in Rainland? Is it very different from cities or kingdoms on earth?"He gives me a quizzical look. "I really don't know much about cities on the ground since I have never been there. None of the raindrops who have been there could tell me since they can't hear or see when they are there. We do have a little in our textbooks about a man named Benjamin Franklin and his work with the lightning, but that is about it."I hastily write down what he said and then look up. "Just a few more questions, if you don't mind. Speaking of lightning, I hear that plays a big role in your world and your story. Can you tell me a bit more about it and why it is so dangerous to raindrops like yourself?"He kind of shudders. "It is dangerous because it knocks us out of the clouds. I am an orphan because of it.""Oh," I feel very badly for bringing it up. "I am so sorry to hear that about your parents. But why would that make you an orphan? I thought you said your people could come back if they fall to the ground. Is it different, getting knocked down by lightning versus choosing to leave Rainland?"He looks up at me with a strange expression. "Thank you. When we choose to leave we still have to depend on the water cycle. We don't know when or if we will come back. The difference is that only those who volunteer for this job leave. We do have to volunteer or you would have a lot of dry plants without rain. We don't have a choice with the lightning knocking us down. We lose those who are needed here like parents and the king.""I see." I finish jotting down my notes. "Well, I've taken up enough of your time, I'm sure you have a story to get back to. Thank you for letting me interview you, Drip."He smiles shyly. "You're welcome."And with that I press my thumb to my InterFiction badge. The clouds grow even more foggy around me until the world sharpens back into perspective and I am home. That was definitely a different experience!MeIf you would like to learn more about Sarah Allerding's book Rainland you can purchase the Kindle version HERE.You can also connect with Sarah on her Website and at GoodreadsDo you have any questions for Sarah about her book or the world of Rainland? Please leave them in the comments!