King's Warrior Read-Along: Chapter 11

Whew! Just in the nick of time today! Happy Friday, dear Reader! I apologize for not getting to the Q&A yesterday, we’ve had family in town this week and it’s been all I can do just to keep up with making sure my posts go up on time! I’ll get to them today, though! We hit the halfway point today, so that means the action is heating up a bit as our characters journey across the southern portion of Aom-igh.

The wood nymph. This scene was just so much fun to write. We don’t get to see Oraeyn make use of the nymph’s deal until book #4, but it will become important later on. (This is a bit I had planned to put into book #4, but sort of forgot until now. Thankfully, I haven’t started editing that book just yet, so there’s plenty of time to add it in)!

The Dark Warriors Attack! The events that split the company in three, and yes, I’m just now realizing the similiarities between this and the end of Fellowship of the Ring. Mostly I felt that their journey should be interesting and filled with danger and excitement, so I never let them go too long without being attacked or having interesting encounters. I didn’t want my audience to get bored with the story. I also wanted to spend some time developing the friendship between Brant and Oraeyn, and splitting the company up was the easiest way to do that. I also wanted to show Oraeyn’s courage under fire, as it were. He has a chance to escape, to run, and he refuses to leave Brant’s side, even though he’s still not certain he entirely trusts the man.

“Courage and honor are enough. Glory and fame mean nothing.” This is one of my favorite Brant quotes. I love how he can say so much without using many words.

“Dylanna did not doubt the outcome of the attack.” Oh, Dylanna! In the original version, Dylanna had never met Brant, and didn’t know anything about him - which made her reactions to him far more doubtful and suspicious. However, in the rewrite, I realized that she needed to be far more informed than I had made her in the first draft: given her position in the castle and her relationship with Arnaud and Zara. So, I had a lot of fun rewriting her a bit to make it obvious that she knew quite well who Brant was and what his capabilities were. It also gave me a chance to drop some hints about Brant’s history.

“I don’t think that I am one of the very bravest.” I love Yole’s brutal honesty here with himself. And I love Kamarie’s response. Like them, I truly do hope that if I were ever to be faced with a situation where the chips are down, and danger threatens, I would have courage and calm. But I am not at all positive that I won’t just go fleeing into the night, screaming at the top of my lungs.


Kendra wants to know: When can I read Yorien’s Hand??? I want to know what happens NEXT!

I wish I could answer that question. I’m hoping that the answer is “very soon” or “by such and such a very near date,” but I just don’t know. 

Nancy wants to know: Do you think your line editor might finish her work on Yorien’s Hand... ever? (Don’t give up hope!)

Well, since Nancy IS my line editor, I’m hoping that the answer is a resounding, “YES! SOON!”

Nancy also wants to know: Do you have the cover artwork already for Yorien’s Hand?

I do not have this yet. However, I have been talking with my cover artist and she said she hopes to have something completed by Christmas. So, that is encouraging.

Jack wants to know: Is the sword a parallel between your book and The Lord of the Rings? (Cool sword with a backstory?)

I can see that. I was thinking a bit more “Excalibur” than “Narsil/Anduril” when I wrote the story. I love backstories about swords, and there are a lot of them in fantasy to choose from. But the whole Scelwhyn putting a spell on the sword to prevent it from being taken by any but a direct descendant of Llian... I was thinking more Excalibur at the time. I love Anduril, but I was always a bit more intrigued by Glamdring and Orcrist, personally. I think their backstories are particularly fascinating and yet filled with mystery. Later on, in book #4, I take a small cue from Narsil... but I can’t say more without giving away SPOILERS!

Discussion Questions:

  1. How are you in a crisis?
  2. What do you think of Brant’s line: “Courage and honor are enough. Glory and fame mean nothing.”? Agree? Disagree?
  3. What is your favorite fictional sword?