King's Warrior Revised Edition

Hello dear Reader, I hope you had a lovely weekend. I have some very exciting news to share with you today!When I first published King's Warrior, I used a slightly different process than the one I use today to get the story through its editing stages. I was content with it back in 2011, but through the experiences I have gained in the past four years working on Second Son, Stone Curse, and Yorien's Hand, I have grown a little antsy to re-publish King's Warrior. During the December read-along, I couldn't help myself, I read-along with my red pen handy. (How many puns in that one sentence can we count?)Then, my lovely line editor sent me her notes on King's Warrior, for she, also had participated in the read-along with her editor's cap on.Over the past week, I have been busily updating King's Warrior, adding her edits to my own from December, and ... at long last, my friends... THE MAP!Anyway, I am pleased to inform you that I have now successfully republished both the Kindle and Print versions of King's Warrior. Both versions now include the Map of Aom-igh, corrections to errors and typos, as well as a little smoothing away of redundant sentences here and there. The e-version also now has a working table of contents, and the print version is finally, finally on cream colored paper.But it gets even better! Because if you are sitting there thinking, "Well, that's great for YOU, but I still have the old version..." then despair not! Because in July, to help celebrate the release of Five Enchanted Roses, I will be running a FREE promo for King's Warrior through the Kindle store! Keep an eye out for more details on that, coming soon.(I can't help you with exchanging your paperback version... but there is no need to fret, because now you are the proud owner of the extremely rare FIRST EDITION!) I also have some exciting news to share about Yorien's Hand.... but I think I'm going to keep that news quiet for a bit longer.