Meet the Turrim Cast: Marik

Character art by Chloe Grace

Introducing…. Captain Marik!

The second character we meet in the Turrim Archive is Captain Marik.

And he’d rather be flying.

Pirate Captain Marik has two very simple desires in life.

  1. To be free to fly his beloved airship the Valdeun Hawk whenever and wherever he pleases

  2. And to make the Ar’Mol’s life as miserable as possible

Okay… maybe three desires… because he’d really like to be able to feed his crew.

Oh, and he really doesn’t want to go to jail.

See? Simple wants.

But unfortunately, none of his desires come cheap or easy. Obtaining enough cynders to keep his vessel airborne has never been inexpensive, but now there’s a cynder shortage making it nigh on impossible. And if they can’t fly, how are they supposed to acquire all the things they need to rightfully steal in order to keep flying? And eating. Eating is important too. Marik knows that. The crew keeps his ship running. And he kind of owes them… like a lot. But he doesn’t want them to know that. He prefers they think he keeps them around because he can’t figure out how to get rid of them. They can never ever ever know that he really cares.

They are NOT his family.

They are his crew.

Family is a word he will never say again.

And he is not planning on ever explaining why.

So even though this contact seems exceptionally shady, and the deal he offers is definitely too good to be true… Marik can’t help but be tempted. After all, he is the legendary Captain Marik. A simple heist or two shouldn’t give him any pause. He and his crew can handle anything.

And a heist this big… well… maybe they could retire and leave this life of crime.

Not Marik, of course. Because he will be a pirate as long as the cruel and tyrannical Ar’Mol reigns in the Igyeum. But maybe his crew could finally have the lives they deserve…

I really try not to have favorites when it comes to my characters. I really do try. And I love all of them so much.

But I might have to admit that I have a massive soft spot for Marik. Pirate. Rogue. Dashing and daring. Tough as nails. Heart of gold. Wrong choices/right reasons. Redemption story. Seriously, how could I not fall for him?

How about you? Do you like noble rogues? Redemption arcs? Morally gray characters with the potential to become heroes?