Meet the Turrim Cast: Mouse

We have come to the end of the character introductions.

And I can’t think of anyone more fun to end with than Mouse.

The first time we meet Mouse, he is described thusly:

Something small and determined affixed itself to his leg and Marik tousled the blond mop of hair attached to the smallest member of his crew.

Marik ran into Mouse about three years a go in a back alley of Melar, where he saved him from being imprisoned for picking the pocket of a too-alert “mark,” and from that day forward he had a little shadow.

Mouse absolutely refuses to tell Marik anything about his past, except to assure him that the people caring for him before were good to him, he just needed to see more of the world. This would not have been enough to convince Marik to take anyone else into his crew. However, he was faced with an impossible situation. Walk away, and let the kid fend for himself on the streets, hoping he’d eventually go home, or take the kid with him to the Hawk and become responsible for him.

In the end, Marik couldn’t just walk away from that thin little face and pleading blue eyes.

But he’s determined to find out where Mouse comes from and return him to his family if he has one. The only clue he has is a battered old book of stories that Mouse apparently brought along with him from his previous home.

Mouse is equal parts hard-working cabin boy and mischievous imp. He’s got a bit of a serious streak, and a heart fixated on adventure. He completely idolizes Marik and would walk through fire for him.

Since joining Marik’s crew, Mouse has honed his skills as a pick-pocket, and he also has a little soldering iron-type device he likes to carry around with him “for emergencies” —though Raisa is not too happy with Marik for giving the kid this particular tool as she thinks it’s too dangerous.

He’s also completely all 10-year old boy, and as such, is super fun to write. I’ve had a few early readers tell me Mouse is their favorite, and I’m not sure exactly why my 10-year old little boy characters are always everyone’s favorite, but it could just be that my own little 6 & 8 year old hobbits provide me with plenty of realistic dialogue and moments and it just works its way into my stories and brings these characters to extra-life. Or something.

Either way, I’m pretty sure that Mouse and Yole would get along just fine.

Fun Fact: the reference picture that I gave to Chloe Grace for this character was simply a picture of my own son (who is slightly younger than Mouse). She did such a great job capturing his expression and I can definitely see a resemblance!


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The Orb and the Airship by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt

The Orb and the Airship

by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt

Giveaway ends May 17, 2023.

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