Meet the Turrim Cast: Oleck

Sorry the character introductions fell silent for a couple of weeks there, I’ve been going about a million miles an hour in about twelve different directions, and whenever that happens, something always slips through the cracks.

But I’m back, and ready to introduce the rest of Marik’s crew!

Meet Oleck

Oleck is Marik’s right-hand. He’s the bo’sun aboard the Valdeun Hawk and the one person Marik leans most heavily on. Even though he’s four years younger than Marik, Oleck tends to act far older. Quiet and gruff, Oleck is often the voice of reason and wisdom amongst his crew. He’s a classic dependable first born. His general nature is to be serious and a bit skeptical of everything. Teasing tends to go a little over his head at times, which of course makes him fair game for the rest of the crew at times, but they also know not to push him too far. (Except Shaesta… Shaesta really enjoys making Oleck uncomfortable).

Even though he’s a pirate, Oleck has an extremely sensitive sense of honor. He also has a kind of ironclad loyalty that, once given, cannot be shaken. He’s like an opposite of Mr. Darcy in that way.

Oleck grew up in Vallei, but he’s probably got some Pallan in his heritage. If he has any family still living, he never talks about them. He’s been looking after Raisa since he was nineteen years old, and has pretty much adopted her, Marik, and Mouse as his family. He’s not too sure about Shaesta… she unsettles him. (You’ll meet Shaesta next week). But Marik trusts her, and that’s good enough for Oleck.

Stoic and kind of a grump with not much of a sense of humor, Oleck is the rock-steady element on the Valdeun Hawk. He’s seen too much hardship in his life, which makes him cling fiercely to what he has.

I can’t believe we’re just over ten weeks away from the big launch of this series! Are you ready? I’ll be honest… I’m getting a bit nervous about it, myself.

Which of the characters so far are you most looking forward to meeting? Oleck is more of a secondary character, but he’s pretty important. What do you think of him so far?