A few Important updates

Happy Spring, dear Reader!

So very many exciting things are coming up in the next several months. I’ve got giveaways and launches and another cover reveal coming up soon… and so I’ve decided to take a smallish hiatus.

Um… Jenelle… is that… really the BEST idea right this second?

Probably not. But the fact remains, that I need it.

I’m still hustling as fast as I can to try to get through the proofing of the audiobook so I can get notes back to Benjamin in a timely fashion… and I just realized that I was supposed to be tracking the pronunciation of a name and I forgot for a few chapters, so I need to go back and re-listen to some parts, which has slowed me down considerably.

But the other big news/announcement is that I’m going to be taking the Book Launch Blueprint class run by Thomas Umstattd Jr. and James L. Rubart over the next month. I’m hoping to learn some great tips and tricks to help launch these next six books (and beyond!) to the very best of my ability and give them every chance to really, truly shine and do well.

But in order to have the time to really focus on this class and get the most out of it, I need to give up something or run the risk of a nervous breakdown.

Sadly, my family isn’t cool with me giving up cooking and cleaning, which was my first choice.

So, I decided that social media/blogging is going to have to take a hit for the next four weeks. You won’t be seeing me around much anywhere from:

April 17 - May 12

I’m feeling a little nervous and overwhelmed about the class in general, so any prayers you might be willing to say for me would be greatly appreciated.

I’ll probably need a bit of a breather after that, so you might not see me back up to speed for a few days after the class ends, but hopefully I can then bring everything I’ve learned into the race to the finish line.

Don’t Panic!

I do have a couple of blog posts already written and pre-scheduled to go up in the coming days of silence, so you have those to look forward to. I’ll be introducing the last two members of Marik’s crew in those posts!

I’m also going to be busy shipping out the first round of physical rewards to my Kickstarter backers (the paperbacks arrived yesterday and they are lovely).

Okay, so I’m going to be a little radio-silent for the next several weeks. But that doesn’t mean that nothing exciting is happening. I’ve got TWO opportunities for you!

I mentioned a giveaway, didn’t I?

Well, for anyone who might have missed out on the Kickstarter for any reason, you’re in luck, because I’m going to be running a Goodreads Giveaway for The Orb and the Airship starting on April 19 and running through May 17. I’m giving away 100 copies of the ebook! The best way for you to get a reminder of this giveaway is to head over to Goodreads and add The Orb and the Airship to your “Want to Read” shelf.

This is super helpful to you because you will get automatically notified by Goodreads when the giveaway goes live.

This is super helpful to me because the more people who shelve my book on Goodreads, the more the book gets seen and noticed by people who might not otherwise ever hear about it!


Book Launch Sign Ups

I’m gonna need some help in June when this book launches to the general public. If you would be willing to help share about the book on June 16 or after, please check out the sign-up form below. Thank you in advance for any help you can give!

And that’s all I’ve got for right now!

(gets exhausted looking at all the things I have to do during my hiatus)

I hope you are having a lovely spring. There aren’t beautiful meadows of flowers here (yet) and I’m sadly not getting to take my hiatus in the charming little cabin pictured above… but it is definitely getting more spring-like here, and I’m super excited for all the warm-weather activities and spending more time outdoors!

See you all in a few weeks!