MerMay Giveaway

Have you heard that the month of May is "mermaid" themed? Apparently there's a hashtag thing going on all month with #MerMay, which at first did not seem to apply to me... until I remembered that the four wizardess sisters in the Minstrel's Song are half mermaid! It doesn't come up a ton, though it does feature a bit more in the coming-soon Minstrel's Call book, and there's some hints about it in King's Warrior... so when the Clean Indie Fantasy group decided to do a giveaway, I figured, "Why not?" It's a fun marketing angle I haven't used before... mermaids!Ahem.Look at all these books you could win! Several of these are ones I have had on my TBR pile for a very long time.MerMay-Square with CoversTo be fair... my book is probably the LEAST mermaid-y in the bunch, but hey, giveaways are fun. And there is legitimate mention of mermaids in my story... so... we'll roll with it. Like waves. They roll.Puns are awesome.MerMay 1

 See? A quote! Proof that mermaids exist and play a role in Tellurae Aquaous!

And as if free books aren't enough, we are also giving away this fabulous journal!

Mermaid Journal

 Oooh! Pretty!

Of course, by now you must be intrigued enough to at least want to know HOW DO I ENTER SUCH AN AWESOME GIVEAWAY?Now that is a question I can answer with utmost simplicity... just use the rafflecopter below... get all the entries... and then sit back and wait to see if you are the winner! The giveaway continues through this Thursday!a Rafflecopter giveaway